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A blog where we post whatever we want. A focus on music, obscure film, and more. Many links are our own uploads, but just as many are taken from other blogs. If you have a problem with us having your links on our blog, we are glad to take them down. Female Trouble is maintained by Garrett (ZOOM LENS), Michelle, and Megane-Kun (Drink Cold). If there is something that you think we may have that you wish to ask for, do not hesitate to ask us! Please email gyyguy@yahoo.com. The Female Trouble email is not checked.


Suicide Circle is a Japanese film by Sion Sono which has gained quite a cult following here in the United States probably due to the fact that it was released alongside 'Moonchild' in a 3 DVD set by TLA and Gackt loving weeaboos everywhere became aware of it's existence. Either way, Suicide Circle is an amazing film despite it's general popularity among people who are just familiar with only the surface of Japanese cinema. Not only did this film present the work of Sion Sono to a wider audience, but most likely the music of Haruko Momoi as well, who's song 'Mail Me' is covered by the band Dessert in the film.

If you enjoyed the music within the film, there is no doubt you'll enjoy the soundtrack. It's essentially all the same music, but unedited. For those who haven't seen the film, if you're into any obscure Japanese rock or pop-groups that feature prepubescent girls in them, then this is for you too.


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