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A blog where we post whatever we want. A focus on music, obscure film, and more. Many links are our own uploads, but just as many are taken from other blogs. If you have a problem with us having your links on our blog, we are glad to take them down. Female Trouble is maintained by Garrett (ZOOM LENS), Michelle, and Megane-Kun (Drink Cold). If there is something that you think we may have that you wish to ask for, do not hesitate to ask us! Please email gyyguy@yahoo.com. The Female Trouble email is not checked.


Saki Kubota is a Japanese pop-idol. I think. Her music transcends that of most idol-pop, entering territories that are almost unnerving and haunting in someways, yet still retains what one would typically expect from 80's idol-pop. There is little information on her, but surprisingly enough, Juntaro from the Gerogerigegege is very fond of her music, going as far as to say that among his top 10 favorite albums, Saki Kubota's discography is #1. I felt that when listenining to some of Kubota's work, I felt a great sense of unbeknowing and dread, similar to that of Gerogerigegege compositions such as "Endless Humiliation." Perhaps Juntaro's love for this women isn't so surprising after all.


2 Responses so far.

  1. you found it after all!
    well, i'll give it a listen since i'm intrigued by the whole "the kind of idol gerogerigegege members like to listen to"!

  2. I'm so excited I can't wait to get my computer back so I can download this!

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